Importers achieve cost savings through the First Sale rule!
30 de marzo de 2019
The trade war currently ensuing between the US and several nations around the globe, most fiercely with China, shows no signs of the first set of tariffs levied…
Cargo flow through better supply chain visibility, control.
29 de marzo de 2019
Focus can provide logistics personnel to meet the needs of your company or project. We assist in the recruitment of permanent staff, or we can manage your logistics…
Importance of specialized focus in Projects, Oil & Gas Logistics?
28 de marzo de 2019
The Journal notes that last year, As investors such as Black Rock look deeper into strategy and climate change issues (and call them out specifically in their shareholder…
Changes to our Trade Credit Policy and Procedures
27 de marzo de 2019
The Atradius platform will provide us with a much deeper pool of research to assist with assessment of new credit applications and credit limits. In today’s international and…
New Additions to our great Metro trucks Fleet
15 de marzo de 2019
These new vehicles are all extra high body trucks, with a carrying height equal to that of a semi trailer. This allows us to accommodate our clients with…
The new Driver Training & Recruitment Program
14 de marzo de 2019
We provide for one off projects as well as long or short-term agency personnel, assist in the recruitment of staff, or we can manage your logistics department for…